The CTAO will host the second edition of its CTAO Science Symposium 15-18 April 2024 in Bologna, Italy. The Symposium will assemble scientists from around the world to learn about and discuss the Observatory’s current phase of development and growth and its subsequent scientific impact.
During the symposium, participants will learn about the beginning of the construction of the CTAO’s Alpha Configuration, the expected performance and data access of said layout, and the upcoming Data Challenge. Additionally, speakers will take an account of the status of gamma-ray astronomy and beyond, emphasizing the latest results from other instruments and observatories, as well as the biggest unresolved questions puzzling the field and how to address them. Representatives from the LST Collaboration will present the first scientific results of the Large-Sized Telescope (LST) prototype, the LST-1, built on the CTAO’s northern array site in La Palma, Spain.
The agenda covers a variety of science topics, such as the study of cosmic rays, compact objects, new science, fundamental physics and future instruments. Highlight talks will provide insights into hot topics within the multi-wavelength and multi-messenger panorama. Renowned speakers will join throughout the week to discuss the CTAO science case and fostering synergies, especially within multi-messenger astronomy.
The event will be held in the historic centre of Bologna, Italy at the Teatro Duse. Registration and abstract submission are now open. The regular fee is 350 euro, reduced to 250 euro for students, and includes all lunches, coffee breaks and the gala dinner. Significant time is allocated for contributed talks, with reserved time for early-career researchers. Moreover, the Symposium will have “Poster Spark” sessions, where the authors of the posters will have the opportunity to briefly present their contribution to the audience. The deadline for abstract submissions is January 31, 2024.
Register, submit an abstract and learn more about the CTAO Science Symposium on its dedicated website:
The Conference is organised thanks to the financial support of the following institutions:
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