Synergies in the Exploration of the Extreme Universe
Through the series, participants learn from experts in different fields about the current experiences and past challenges that can be applied to present and future observatories. After a successful first edition in which more than 700 people joined in the nine webinars, the second edition began in November 2022 with new speakers and topics, and finalized in June 2023.
Webinars take place on the fourth Thursday of every month via Zoom. The time for each webinar alternates to make the live connection more accessible to scientists in different time zones. The entire series is open and free to all researchers with a one-time registration. If you have registered for the first or second edition, you do not need to do it again to receive the connection links and information of future webinars. Any future edition will be advertised through this page.
The webinars are broadcasted via Zoom. Information and access details for each month’s webinar are shared with all subscribers via email the day before of the webinar. Subscription is required only once, and it is valid for the entire series and its different editions. Additionally, the series programme for each month is available on this webpage and advertised on the CTAO’s social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn).
The series is curated by the “MWL Task Force,” in coordination with the CTAO’s Consortium and Central Organisation, and with the support of the Consortium Science Working Groups.
Watch Past Editions
The most recent edition of “Synergies in the Exploration of the Extreme Universe” was finalized in June 2023. If you missed a webinar from this or previous editions, you can re-watch them on our YouTube channel. If you wish to engage in the discussion session with the speakers following their presentations, don’t forget to subscribe and join us live.
David Thompson, “AGN Multi-wavelength Research Strategies: the Fermi-LAT Experience” | Giorgio Matt, “First Results from the IXPE Satellite” |
Anna Franckowiak, “Multi-Messenger Data Networks: The potential and impact on the CTA science” | Yannis Liodakis, “Few-Meter Class Telescopes for Polarimetry of Blazars and Transients” |
Gautham Narayan, “Alert Brokers for Astrophysical Surveys: What is in it for CTA and how to engage” | Marcella Brusa, “A Journey into the Energetic Universe with eROSITA all-sky X-ray Surveys” |
Manami Sasaki, “All-sky X-ray survey with eROSITA: Census of extended galactic sources” | Zhen Cao, “PeVatron Searchers with LHAASO and Relevance of the Synergy with other Facilities” |
Shri Kulkarni, “Precursor large optical surveys of the transient sky: The Zwicky Transient Facility” | Elena Pian, “Optical Polarimetry with the VST: A New Window of Exploration at ESO and Possible Synergies with the CTAO” |
Frédéric Daigne, “Gamma-ray Burst Observations with the Future SVOM Mission and Synergies with the CTAO” | Mark Allen, “Enabling Interoperability of Data from Astrophysics Infrastructures” |
Steve Longmore, “ACES – The ALMA Central Molecular Zone Exploration Survey” | |
Paolo Padovani, “Neutrinos from Blazar Jets: Open Issues and Multi-Messenger Synergies” | |
Rob Fender, “Present and Future of Large Radio Surveys of the Extreme Universe” | |
David Smith, “Pulsar Timing: Experience from Fermi-LAT” | |
Marica Branchesi, “Synergies between CTAO and Gravitational Waves Observatories” |
Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)
- Ulisses Barres, CBPF
- Matthias Füßling, CTAO Central Organisation
- Elina Lindfors, University of Turku
- Francesco Longo, Università di Trieste/INFN-Trieste
- Luigi Tibaldo, IRAP
- Roberta Zanin, CTAO Central Organisation
- Roberta Zanin, CTAO Central Organisation
- Federico Ferrini, CTAO Central Organisation
- Werner Hofmann, MPIK
- Jurgen Knödleseder, IRAP
- Rene Ong, UCLA
Event Organizing Committee (EOC)
- Alba Fernández-Barral, CTAO Central Organisation
The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) brings together a community of diverse cultural backgrounds and personal and professional abilities and experiences. This diversity makes us strong, and the CTAO is committed to supporting and protecting it. To do so, the following CTAO Code of Conduct for Events and Meetings shall be applied. It provides guidelines for the basic standards and rules of behaviour expected in any online or in-person meeting/event organized by the CTAO. They apply to any participant, regardless of whether they are CTAO members or external participants.
CTAO Code of Conduct for Events and Meetings focuses on different core values:
1. Diversity
– Refrain from unpleasant or disparaging remarks or actions, in particular, on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, beliefs, nationality, culture, ethnicity, race, job status/title, disability or family situation.
– Treat others with tact, courtesy and respect.
– Abstain from and actively discourage discrimination in all forms.
– Respect and value differences.
2. Integrity
– Ensure to credit others for their contribution.
– Respect the privacy of others and protect personal information given to you in confidence.
3. Professionalism
– Respect the contribution of each participant to the meeting/event.
– Maintain a professional environment characterized by good working relations and an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual respect.
– Provide advice and guidance to colleagues, where appropriate.
– Abstain from and actively discourage all forms of harassment as well as verbal, non-verbal, written or physical abuse.
4. Creativity
– Use your professional experience in a constructive manner.
– Be open to new ideas and approaches. Be thoughtful with all participants’ work and provide only constructive critiques.
Mutual respect is paramount, and your right to be treated equally, with dignity and respect, also is protected. The CTAO will not tolerate discrimination or harassment of participants attending our events and meetings, and the organizer, person responsible and/or chairperson of the event/meeting reserves the right to ask any participant who does not follow these guidelines to leave the event/meeting (without refunding the fee, if any).
To privately report a violation of the CTAO Code of Conduct for Events and Meetings during or after the “Synergies in the Exploration of the Extreme Universe” webinar series, please contact the chairwoman and one of the organizers, Roberta Zanin (CTAO Central Organisation Project Scientist).
The “CTAO Code of Conduct for Events and Meetings” is based on the “CTAO Code of Conduct” (May 2018).